Great to have you here!

Hi, I'm Gabriel Capello a developer based in Germany who is passionate about technology, especially open source and web development. Here you will find some information about me as well as a blog where I will write something from time to time. I also plan to present my projects that I am currently working on.

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About me

Hi, I'm Gabriel, a developer and technology enthusiast from Germany.
My primary tools of choice includes:

  • Shopware
  • Python
  • Tailwind
  • Astro

Beyond coding and tech, I'm passionate about nature, sports and traveling. I enjoy new projects, ideas, ventures and the new influences that come with them.

Let's start working together!


Aachen - Germany

My time zone

Tools - Coming soon

I am about to release a small tool which allows the repair of .mp4 files.

I am also testing some Obsidian LLM Plugins

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